SkyDev Rendering of 70 Fountain Street in Guelph Ontario
28 January 2020

SkyDev to Propose Sustainable Mixed-Use Development in Downtown Guelph at City Council Meeting

SkyDev will present its proposal for a mixed-use development in downtown Guelph at a City Council Meeting to be held on Monday, February 10th, 2020 at 6:30pm. The meeting will be located at 1 Carden Street, Council Chambers. Members of the public are invited to attend.

SkyDev will present its proposal for a mixed-use development in downtown Guelph at a City Council Meeting to be held on Monday, February 10th, 2020 at 6:30pm. The meeting will be located at 1 Carden Street, Council Chambers. Members of the public are invited to attend.

SkyDev looks forward to its proposal before council of this exciting new development. The proposed building plans include ground-level retail space along Wyndham Street, office space large enough to potentially serve as the future headquarters of the Skyline Group of Companies, and 180 apartment units slated for completion by 2026.

SkyDev recognizes that Guelph, like other thriving cities across the province of Ontario, is facing a growing housing crisis that can negatively impact its local economy. Attracting more people to Guelph’s downtown to work, live, and shop is vital to the future prosperity of the city and its business community. SkyDev is proposing the addition of 180 purpose-built rental suites to downtown Guelph’s apartment stock, with a building location immediately adjacent to Guelph Central Station, thereby encouraging transit ridership.

The proposed development aims to be the most sustainable building of its kind in the city. Limiting its environmental footprint has been, and will continue to be, a key focus throughout planning, construction, and operations stages. SkyDev believes that the social, economic, and environmental benefits of the proposed development are clear, and hopes that the council and citizens of Guelph are in agreement.

A Notice of Complete Application & Public Meeting, as well as associated reports and materials concerning the development, can be viewed on the City of Guelph’s website.

SkyDev welcomes all questions concerning the proposed development, and is committed to being active, engaged, and accessible to the Guelph community. Questions or comments regarding the proposal can be directed to:

Greg Jones
President, SkyDev
5 Douglas Street, Suite 301
Guelph, Ontario N1H 2S8
